Saturday 19 May 2012

First blog: May long weekend day 2

Hey, MaddyRocks here,

For my first blog, i thought that that i would talk about my day today.

Today at about 10:30, I decided to go on an adventure. Where we are staying for May long weekend, there is a cliff in the back yard, and if you go to the side of the house, there are some stairs that lead to a forest at the bottom of the cliff. I took my dads video camers and walked down the steep and dangerous sairs. At the bottom there was a small ledge, you could choose from holding on to trees as you slid slowly down a short, steep dirt path or climbing down a small rock wall to the next level of ground. I chose the dirt path, i had a hard time since I was holding a video camera, but I really wanted to go down and see what was there. When i got down the path there were two big rocks , I went around them. By then i had been bitten about 20 times by misquitos. There was another steep path that i had to go down, this one was different then the other one, it was longer and steeper, luckly there were lots of trees to hang on to. After the path there were only a couple of branches to step over before i found a small dirt road. I didn't want to get lost so before i walked down the road, i stuck a big stick in the road so i would be able to find my way. I walked down the road until i found another road and walked down it to, at the end of that road i could see a golf course. After that i decided to go back because i couln't go on the golf course. I walked back up the road all the way to the stick and that is where i ended the video. I climed all the way up the hill and into the house. When i got into the house i came into the livingroom and plopped down on the couche, i was exausted! About two hours later i made this account on blogspot.

Goodbye and pardon the spelling misstakes if there is any!

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